Thursday 10 April 2014

Lush Ultrabland.

By G.K.

I really wanted to try a cleanser balm so I went to my favorite store to see if they had one. I have been showed the Ultrabland Facial Cleanser so I grabbed that one excited to get home and remove my makeup!
It has a pretty light smell compared to other Lush products that relaxes you and get's your mind ready to rest.

It says to put a generous amount all over your face but I find it really effective to put a thin layer on. The main ingredient is almond oil so the consistency is thick, creamy.
I love how you can see it working on your skin, it melts your makeup in seconds, I also apply it on my lashes (I don't think you're supposed to ...) I have very sensitive skin and eyes but I didn't have any trouble.

Leave it on for a minute and wipe it off with a damp cloth. My skin felt so radiant! It's meant to be great for people with skin problems, they recommend to only use that product for a while if you're having issues with your skin and it should bring it back into balance.
I actually think I like using this over a normal makeup remover, I still use Bioderma on my eyes after it.

I have oily skin so do not be scared to use it if you do as well!
I absolutely love this product and removing my makeup in such a gentle way.


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